The AN decision isn't unusual, just basic quality tubes for stock use (these "plain jane" tubes can sound pretty good). It saves money as the premium 300b tubes aren't cheap. Well I think the Audio Nirvana represents an excellent value if it sounds as Mdemaio described. Audion Audio SET like sound for 1550.00 would be a significant achievement. I'm an open advocate for quality SET amplifiers. If one comes along and delivers good sound for this cost, that's a good thing for music lovers.
The AN decision isn't unusual, just basic quality tubes for stock use (these "plain jane" tubes can sound pretty good). It saves money as the premium 300b tubes aren't cheap. Well I think the Audio Nirvana represents an excellent value if it sounds as Mdemaio described. Audion Audio SET like sound for 1550.00 would be a significant achievement. I'm an open advocate for quality SET amplifiers. If one comes along and delivers good sound for this cost, that's a good thing for music lovers.