Quads - Just a couple of questions

I am considering replacing my long beloved Magge 1.6's with a new pair of Quads. (2805) Okay make that 3 questions.

1) How can I find my nearest dealer.
2) Can anyone tell me what to expect vis a vis my 1.6's (other than price)?
3) Power requirements / efficiency?
1) How can I find my nearest dealer.
From Quad's US distributer's web site (http://www.iagamerica.com/quad):
"Phone Quad directly on 781-341-1234 (option 4) to arrange an audition with your nearest stockist."

2) Can anyone tell me what to expect vis a vis my 1.6's (other than price)?
You can use them in a second system, give them away to a friend or family member or charity, sell them, whatever you wish. :)

3) Power requirements / efficiency?
May be best to discuss with Quad or the dealer.
1) try to find out the QUAD distributor and ask them;

2) the Quad will provide much greater transparency and tonal accuracy than the Mags. This does not mean you will like the Quad better but it is a far superior speaker in virtually every musically important area.

3) I believe the efficiency of the new Quads is around 87 dB and any good 50 wpc amp should be enough. With the Quad it is more a question of the quality of the amp than the amount of power available. I have always preferred them with tubes but I know several who have used good ss with considerable success.
Duane- I agree with you. OTL is the way to go. Atma-sphere M-60. As if Ralph needed another plug.
the Maggies are rough sounding in comparison, the Quads will have much better low level detail and a better sense of 'purity'. The Maggies are no slouch in either catagory it is just that the Quads are among the very best at any price in these regards.