Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp

I am curious to hear what people have to say about the subject. Feel free to vent.
Its the synergy of the 2 components together.. so one speaker could infact sound better with a 200 dollar amp and another better with a 2000 dollar amp, but not all times will the 2000 dollar amp in place of the 200 dollar amp and speaker combo sound necessarily better but different..
Reality is similar amps in the same system will probably be just that, very similar. The speaker will make more impact on the tone or final sound you seek in general.. But one further, the Room is the most important component in the system, if it can sound excellent then mostly a good designed speaker with resonable electronics will sound good. By the way the real problem with amps seems to be matching up to a preamp that sounds right with it, not even so much the speaker / amp interaction all the time. Its one synergistic chain, not all combos work.
It's all personal preference.

I'm going to argue till I'm blue in the face that speakers are the most important. Bar none. Dave Wilson agrees with me.
Dave Wilson builds speakers, useless support for your argument. Linn builds them all and Igor says source first. I'm with Newbee.
To what end? If it's a purchasing priority, I would first go with the best amplification I could afford and upgrade speakers as funds permit. To me, if I buy a top notch speaker and it resolves so well that it shows the short-comings of cheap amplification, it would be a miserable listening experience as I await better equipment. That's the only reason I would ponder this question in the first place. Just my 2 pesos.