Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp

I am curious to hear what people have to say about the subject. Feel free to vent.
As you can see, there is no answer! hahaha

Nobody yet refuted my wisdom. By concentrating on high $$$$ quality cables, one can make any amp and speaker combination sound fantastic. If the amp is weak then simply raise the amp up slightly so that gravity assists the current flow down the cable to the speaker. This way you can perfectly control the sound. If the amp is too powerful then put it on the floor.

A quick glance at audiogon systems shows that many people already know about these tweaks...often the most powerful monoblocks are sitting on the floor where they are less likely to overdrive the speakers ;-)
often the most powerful monoblocks are sitting on the floor where they are less likely to overdrive the speakers
Which, in turn, explains why some people have their giga amps in the basement: use gravity to restrict --in a natural way -- the energy flow into the room!
An average source or amp will make any great speaker sound mediocre, at best.
What should be dynamic and involving, making it difficult to turn away, will simply tame the potential of the speaker, rendering it boring and uninvolving.
You are of course listening to the speaker it makes the sound. IMO the two most colored items in the audio chain is the cartridge and the speaker.
A good amp should only have a sound when it is misbeheaving(asked to do something it cannot). There is a reason they don't emphasize distrotion figures for speakers(or cartridges for that matter.
Speaker should be chosen first and then an amp should be purchased that is ideal for that load.
We are handicapped becasue even if a reviewer knew what amp should be used with a speaker he will not have it on hand at the time of review. A dealer is also limtied by his knowledge and availablity of the right amp. Often even the manufacturer does not reccomend the right amp for his speaker. I would never have bought the CLS if I heard it being dirven by the Krell elctronics.
One also needs to factor in speaker cables in that equation.