What speaker to buy to start over.

I am selling my entire system and starting over. I am considering Martin Logan Summit speakers. Any other suggestions in that price range. I listen to mostly accoustic and female vocal but do listen to rock,jazz and classical. I am going to build around the speakers.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
I love how there are 26 replies to this forum with recommendations, yet you still haven't told us what you're looking for in a speaker.

* What speakers do you have currently?
* What do you like about them?
* What do you not like about them?
* What are you looking for in a speaker? Laid back? Huge macro dynamics? Micro resolution?
I had ML Ascents with a Descent sub. I loved the sound but there was a hole in the upper bass region. I suppose it was the crossover from the panels to the bass driver. I have decided to go with the Summits as I do like the ML sound. I got to go audition a set and they blend way better than the Ascents. Thanks for all the suggestions.