Talon-New owner-NO customer service

I have a Talon Roc I purchased from a fellow Audiogon member. It developed a buzz after two months of use. I called talon, now owned by Rives and told them the problem. I got a call from Katie saying they no longer dealt with the amp manufacturer but she would call me back. She didn't so I called a week later. Basically they weren't interested in my plight, even if if I paid for out of warrenty service. They did say I could replace the amp for $1600!!!!! That is a "we don't don't care, but if you pay this-we will-price"!!!! A call to Richard got me, "go buy a Crown amp for a $1000 and make a wood panel for the back"
BEWARE---it appears Rives do not want to support Talons existing products!!!
Justlisten, I would say buying gear from a comapny that is out of business is a bad decision if you expect someone to work on your gear, if not, cest la vie!

It seems like Richard tried to offer a cheaper suggestion for Robyatt to fix a speaker he did not build, sell, or for which he bore NO responsibility. What implied warranty did the seller of the sub woofer pass on to you?

I'm at a loss to understand why Rives has any more responsibility to fix your sub than you have...

To say that Robyatt made a poor choice buying equipment from a company out of business seems a bit snobish, how many companies in the high end are very small and come and go every year? With that thinking the percentage of potentially "poor decision's" and "Assumed risk" would be another nail in the high end coffin. In close this attitude it is not exclusive to the company in original post.
I had the same basic problem with an Electrostatic speaker maker, my "Inner" dealings with them left me with a bad taste in my mouth...but I wont name the company.
Rives has been a LONG time member and contributor to this board, and has many times gone WAY out of his way to help others. To many here, his reputation is WELL known and appreciated.

There ARE some risks in buying in the used market. Being one who has purchased used gear who's manufacturer was no longer in business, and used gear which the manufacturer refused to repair or correspond regarding, I feel REALLY WELL qualified to have a sense of how the used market IS.

Those who do not wish to be aware of those risks should seriously consider purchasing elsewhere.

As Nrchy stated (quite correctly),
"I'm at a loss to understand why Rives has any more responsibility to fix your sub than you have..."
"I'm at a loss to understand why Rives has any more responsibility to fix your sub than you have..."

That's fine. But you hear plenty of stories on these forums about manufacturers going above and beyond for folks that bought equipment used and/or out of warranty. A little good publicity goes a long way.....