Vandersteen 5/Quatro Owners...

Has anyone experimented with different power cords rather than the stock cords that come with the powered subwoofer? If so, what kind of results did you have? Is it worth it to change out to change out the stock cords?
I suppose after they loosen up some new cables could be tried, just not gonna loose any sleep over it....nor pay big bucks, my dad isnt really so much of an Audiophile but more a music lover and I am not sure how much more cash he wants to spend. As of now he sank an additional $40K so he might put the breaks on upgrades......right brain says stop the bleeding, left brain says if you spent this much you should spend a bit more to better performance, oh well.
Yea if I wasnt on Social Security I probably would lol, as it stands now I am thinking of buying him a Zerostat gun to play with.
Power cords for 5A. I have those speakers and when I asked Richard, he said they all change the sound, but that the originals that come with the unit are the ones to use. I am happy with them - tried others, but Richard's right.