Speaker cone material pro's and con's

Are any of you aware of well-written general discussions of the pro's and cons of various speaker cone materials, for example, paper cone, metal cone (and various metals), polypropylene, ceramic, Mylar, etc.? I am not interested in propaganda for various technologies found on speaker manufacturer websites or opinions offered by audiophiles based upon something they read in an audio magazine, but rather, seek a good, general discussion that is written by a person qualified to speak to such issues (e.g., an engineer or physicist) and that is accessible to a reasonably technology-savvy layman.

I understand that the implementation of a particular cone material is crucial to performance and that it is thus difficult to discuss materials in a vacuum (e.g., how a cone's vibrational mode is dealt with dramatically affects performance), but a good discussion would presumably assume certain standard implementations and still arrive at conclusions.

Any links or recommended readings? Again, I am not looking for audio forum blather derived, for example, from someone's trip to Wilson or (mis)understanding of something written in TAS, but the serious observations of qualified authors.

Thanks in advance.
If you want a well-written discussion of cone materials by a professional engineer who is not writing on behalf of his employer, I suggest you join the Audio Engineering Society. I did, and to me access to their published papers is well worth the hundred-something dollars per year.

I could write about some of the pro's and con's of different diaphragm properties and profiles, but I don't meet your criteria, being both a manufacturer and non-engineer.

A quick primer and some ideas from the ldsg. Then, definitely subscribe to AES: it's a serious organisation and their papers are as intersting as they are thorough.
Why are concerned with the material used when it is the If its the sonics you are interested in then a discussion hghly scientific of course of the tensile strength of kevlar of a particular type versusthat of paper is meaningless. The entire driver parameters may be what you want that tells you more objectiveinformation.
Technical talk of one material over another is blather with very cone/dome/oval, square, specific data. You might want to know the Qts. for instance, this could be high or low do you know what you want? Because there are advocates for both types depnding on the cabinet design. etc. There is paper that is like leaden cardboord and there is paper which is siff and very light. What question are you interested in answering? Look at the raw driver sites they frequently give specs. You didn't include the Plasma Flame tweeter transducers in your post. But that's a hot topic.
The cone material itself is not as important as proper damping material applied to any selected material.

This is why standard mass produced drivers as used in expensive speakers like Avalon,Wilson and Sonus Faber invariably are "modified" by these makers to dramaticaly improve sound quality.

Apparently if you apply specially prepared venomous snake oil to the internal cone surface and bio dynamic bull manure from beer fed Wagyu bulls to the front of the cone,the improvement in performance is staggering.This has to be done in the right lunar cycle of course.
If its the sonics you are interested in then a discussion (...) is meaningless
You are wrong. The cone & its material influence the sound you get -- and as such, are part of the parametres (along with T/S which I assume you;re alluding to) one takes into account when designing loudspeakers.

All the guy's asking is for some refs... :)