Comparison of Amphion Argon2 & Focal Chorus 807V

Can anyone give me some feedback on these two bookshelf speakers? Which gives best over-all imaging and bass response (within reason, of course...given that they are bookshelf speakers). Both have great reviews, but I have not heard either. Will power them with a Cayin A-88T.

I'll be using these mainly for ochestral - choral - jazz listening...thanks for any input you can give.
...yes, the Profile 908's aren't even on my radar...I've heard comments similar to yours from several folks who've A/B those...similar to what I hear about Gold and Silver series in the Monitor Audio line. The 807V's can be had for under 1K new, the Argon2's run about 1.5K new...just depends on what I can get for my LSA2s...keep those opinions coming...I appreciate the input...
The profile series seem to come alive with high powered amps and high resolution cables. The Chorus series works better with mid-priced electronics and lower powered integrated amps.
Initial reaction is the Argon might be a lot of speaker for your setup. The Argons are not a small speaker.

Maybe consider the Helium? I'd suggest writing the guys at Amphion to get their opinion.

fwiw - I listened to a pair of Chorus floorstanders as well (can't recall exactly which model), and wasn't terribly impressed compared to the Profile 918/928, wouldn't put them in the same league as the Argons.
I have a set of Amphion Argon 2 speakers, as well a pair of Xenons. I have not heard the Chorus 807, but i did previously own a pair of JM Lab Mezzo Utopia speakers. The Mezzo's were three times the price of the Xenons and were more accurate sounding transducers than the Amphions, but the the Argons and the Xenons sound more alive and musical.
Stereophile gave the Focal 807V Class C rating with a $$$ - which meant they were surprised at the output/quality of the speaker itself.

I am looking at a apair of those for my secondary 2ch analogue system.