Dev: Transparent isn't a big fan of bi-wiring (you have to go extreme with the bi-cable which in my opinion not worth the cost of the next version up in single wire..)so you can buy the transparent reference jumpers to add to your speaker cable (typically get banana to spade for the jumpers if your speaker cables are spades). Otherwise just try connecting your speaker cables to other set of binding posts to see if you notice a difference.
As far as the Bel Canto... I've found most of the Ice or Class D amps to be light in the bass with speakers like yours and Wilsons. 400+ watts was needed... Honestly you might be blown away with just a Theta Dreadnaught II with two of the 200watt cards. This is a very nice amplifier especially for the money with only 2 cards installed... Oh yeah great bass and works extremely well to complement your Transparent speaker cabling.
As far as the Bel Canto... I've found most of the Ice or Class D amps to be light in the bass with speakers like yours and Wilsons. 400+ watts was needed... Honestly you might be blown away with just a Theta Dreadnaught II with two of the 200watt cards. This is a very nice amplifier especially for the money with only 2 cards installed... Oh yeah great bass and works extremely well to complement your Transparent speaker cabling.