AVALON Indra ??

knows someone somewhat over the new speaker?
I have heard them for a long period (3 or 4 hours) 2 times.

With VTL 450 and Shindo preamp (vosne romanee)

I compare them immediately after with the avalon Eidolon and Wilson Watt/Puppy 8

The sound was sublime, very fast, perfect tonality, SUPERB IMAGING, this speakers are just great.
They beneficiate from the crossover technology used in the ISIS (i heard them also).

And THAT make a hudge improvement.

It's weird i know but i prefered them to the eidolon diamond (more slow, sounding more boxy, and less invisible) I know the Eidolon are 18 000$ more but i listen to them in the same room (they take each time the previous speaker out of the room) with the same electronics.

I think that these new crossovers are a big step for Avalon.

Comparing to Watt/Puppy 8 : imaging was equal, of course more slam for wilson but i don't like the way the w/Puppy do it (kinda blured in the mid bass) and the indra was a step above the wilson in trems of timbrality.
Good articulation for both.
Question of taste... i prefer the indra.

Comparing to others (not in the same shop) : forget all of them in this price range (parsifal from verity audio, sonus faber even the stradivari, B&W 800D)

I think they have acheived something great with these speakers.

Thanks for the review. Your review is saying a lot. Gotta audition someday.


the Isis sound fan-tas-tic.

I think there is no way to buy speakers (in this price range and far, far more expensive) without listening to them.

That say all I think about them.

Some people say that it's the finest electrodynamic transducer avaible, i don't have the knowledge to pretend this, but I can assure you that it might be.

I'm in a position where i can buy a 35 000$ speaker but for now I haven't heard anything that can beat the Indra (20 000$)

Wow guys, i want to be sure (by listening the rockport) but for now I'm gonna buy the Indra.

It is weird because i always want more, but to beat them i need to go in sky high price...or find an avalon Isis on the second and market ! -ok don't even think about it, people who have the Isis are burried with them (lol)-

Please if someone HAS listened to the Indra and think about a real competitor, tell me because i'm near from purshasing them. You can go to 35 000$ for the competitor.