AVALON Indra ??

knows someone somewhat over the new speaker?

Thanks for the review. Your review is saying a lot. Gotta audition someday.


the Isis sound fan-tas-tic.

I think there is no way to buy speakers (in this price range and far, far more expensive) without listening to them.

That say all I think about them.

Some people say that it's the finest electrodynamic transducer avaible, i don't have the knowledge to pretend this, but I can assure you that it might be.

I'm in a position where i can buy a 35 000$ speaker but for now I haven't heard anything that can beat the Indra (20 000$)

Wow guys, i want to be sure (by listening the rockport) but for now I'm gonna buy the Indra.

It is weird because i always want more, but to beat them i need to go in sky high price...or find an avalon Isis on the second and market ! -ok don't even think about it, people who have the Isis are burried with them (lol)-

Please if someone HAS listened to the Indra and think about a real competitor, tell me because i'm near from purshasing them. You can go to 35 000$ for the competitor.