Seas Millennium Break-in time

Hi I just bought some new Tyler Acoustics Signature Monitors .The Seas tweeter is supposed to sound a little on the poor side until about 200 hours. Is this speaker(which is on it's way) really that bad until the 200 hour mark or is it not bad out of the box but improves some over the next 200 hours? How would you recommend breaking them in...playing them around the clock for 8 days at a moderate level or infrequently over two months or a louded level? I am looking for a time & level that is best & what to expect out of the box. Tyler claims he player the speaker for 24 hours to ensure everything was operating properly.


I just posted some initial impressions regarding the Tyler Lin sig mons that arrived today & will take a couple of weeks to break in from everything I have read to date. There is one thing that I forgot to mention as part of my initial impressions. I was my disappointed with the model three stands .I unpacked them dutifully, filled them with play sand, & then was very dismayed when I realized how wobbly & unsteady these are (the model three which are the narrower ones)when compared to a well designed metal stand .I may have to invest in a good set of stands as I can not possibly see how one could get a optimal bass response or imaging out of a speaker that would move this much albeit I realize these are micro movements. I am given to understand that it is these minute movements that muddy the bass and blur the imaging.

Bill, the Linbrook Signature Monitors should definitely be on the larger Model 1 stand. I used the Model 1 for the smaller Taylo's, and I can't imagine the Model 3 stands under the larger Linbrook's.
wonder why during my conversations with Ty,he did not mention this.My problem is I live in Canada & sending things back & forth across the border is expensive. I may contact him on this one…..perhaps the stand is OK in the end. The top of the stand exactly fits the size of the sigs meaning it was obviously designed to go with this speaker. I have filled the stand with play sand so in terrns of sheer weight(mass) ,I would think despite the ability to rock the stand with my hands that it would be hard to get any movement from the speaker due to the movement of the drivers. The rubber feet seem to do a great job of coupling the speaker to the stand .

I do not know a lot about what a good stand should do, because to date I have always used floorstanders & when I was moonlighting in the retail end back in the 80s & early 90s we always sold beefy target stands that in those days were double spiked which of course created a base that was extremely rigid. It is hard to believe Ty,would go to all the trouble of using extremely high quality drivers ,crossovers & the beefiest cabinets that I have ever seen & then put them on a stand that was subpar.

I may yet write to him on this one, however if others would weigh in on thier experience first, I would appreciate the opinion of other owners on this one .I am also interested in what changes top to bottom they experienced as the speakers broke in.


PS…I see my initial comparison between the Silverline SR-17v3 & the sigs somehow did do not get recoded on the form.I think that I will wait until they break in which should take about 8 days given I have them playing a low level through my tuner at night & generally have CDs going most of the day.So far the 17 would seem to have more definition & naturalness(harmonic rightness) in the midrange.The sigs would seem to be smoother & slightly less sibilant(thankGod) at the seeming expense of detail & definition.It would seem however that my sibilance issues are either a function of sound sort of AC power issue including grounding issues and/or just the way CDs are recoded.

Time will tell because even today they sound more dynamic & the tweeter a little more present which may in the end create better midrange detail & transparency. As far as “naturalness” (which is the only way I can describe it)the Dynaudio drivers are hard to beat since they were to date much better, midrange wise, than even my beloved Quad ELS which I lived with for longer then any other speaker I ever owned.

So there is a start for our friend who was interested in a comparison between the two speakers.
Both stands are well designed, but the Model 1's are a bit more stout. While the brass cones are nice, they won't pierce the carpet as well as I prefer. You may want to consider a true spike as a replacement. If they are coupling well to your floor, you may want to check to be sure that they are level.

I have the same/similar cones on the bottom of my Linbrook Floorstanding monitors. I haven't decided whether I'm going to replace the carpet or install hardwoods, so I haven't made a move as of yet. At some point, I may order a set of Sound Anchor bases for them if I go with carpet. If I go with hardwoods, I'll get some discs for the cones.