Transparency: What speakers have it in spades?

When I got my Spendor SP3/1P speakers a few months ago, I discovered what transparency really meant. I've never been able to hear "through" any speakers like I can with these. True aural "Windex." I wouldn't mind having some of that crystal clarity in a speaker that goes a bit lower, offering more of a bass foundation for orchestral music. The larger Spendors are obvious choices.

But what speakers have you heard that have struck you as being particularly transparent? THANKS.
>>Some folks don't understand what transparency is<<

Thanks for the admission. At least you're honest about it.
The all new JM Lab Chorus 826v's are great I liked them better than all the Martin Logans that they had at Tweeters. The chorus 836v's is said to be the sweet spot in their whole line!
Hesson 11 a truly neutral and open speaker is one that is time domain correct.Any speaker that deviates from TDC is flawed,they may sound good but do so at a cost to the original musical signal.If you want good open sound then look for the design that makes it a CRITERIA rather than a after thought.One of the best outhere is Green mountain audio.Hope this helps-Dennis