Sonus Faber Amati Homage vs Thiel 7.2

I currently own the SF Amatis, and a pair of 7.2 have come up for sale. I know the Amatis are worth more retail than the 7.2s. But for me the retail value dosen't always reflect how much I like the sound. I understand the 7.2 are Thiel's top flagship speaker and the Amatis are SF's 2nd. I am unable to audition the 7.2's because there's not any retailers selling them, and I don't know anyone with a pair.
Has anyone compared these 2 speakers? I know it's hard, but can someone please describe the sound of the 7.2s to me.
After reading a Sterophile review of the Amatis back in 99, I knew I had to have a pair, and after getting them, I was pleased, but still think that speakers could sound better. My main problem with the Amatis is that although they're clear, very dynamic (can hear every sound), have exceptional imaging, and can be played very loud, I find the mids quite thin. Thin in that everyone's voices seem higher than they are. I guess I lik the dark rich Barry White sytle vocals.
Because of my percieved lack of mid range in the vocal abilities of the Amatis, I thought the 7.2s might do better in this category.
Your comments are appreciated.

I'm a Thiel 1.6 owner and I think the 7.2 produces almost faultless sound (with about 400 clean watts/side).

In your case I'd experiment with digital corretion or room treatment. If that doesn't work, try the Thiels.
Thanks for the reply guys.
I'm currently using a Bryston 4B ST, Theta Digital Casa Nova Processor, and Theta DaVid Transport.
I used to have a pair of Chario Constellation Ursa Majors, and using the same electronics, that had a dark rich warm mid range which I really liked. But the imaging was not there for me, and clarity was very lacking. On the other extreme I had a pair of B&W N802, and that had amazing clarity and imaging, but the mid was very thin to me.
The Amatis have been the best balanced speakers I've had a chance to listen to. But after some comments, it sounds like I might be barking up the wrong tree with the Thiel 7.2s.
I guess I'll keep my Amatis and will look elsewhere for my problem.
I've heard the Amatis many times and I own the Guarneris. I believe FrankC is right on the money. Sonus Fabers are capable of wonderful midrange. IMHO, borrow a really good tube preamp and amp and perhaps a different source and report back. I realy don't think Thiel will get you in the direction you are asking for and I'd look at the electronics before the room. Also, Cardas Golden Cross is not the right cable. If you want to try a Cardas cable, try the golden reference - it is much better. But, you may not need the cardas as a tone conditioner with a good amp and preamp, which the Amatis can really make good use of.
If a balanced, seamless, presentation with clean and very detailed (never thin in my system) midrange is what your after the 7.2s would be worth keeping on your list.

I had demo session with the amatis and the really seem to be very picky with the components that is used to drive them
with my former STOCK tact millennium the sound was unbareble.
Also heard it with gryphon solid state amp and it diddent sound very good eather.

The amatis like tube amps or maybe somthing like class A accuphase amp.

I think with the right amp the can bring you to tears to the eyes
the have been in my mind ever since i heard them.

The amatis a not very forgiven in the higs thats for sure .

If i where you i would try them with a good tube amp before selling them.

eny way just my 2 cents.
