Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?

New in the field. I am wondering what is most important: a great amplifier with a good preamplifier, or a good amp, with a great preamplifier? Or should I look at a good amp with a great do certain brands make amplifier to go with preamplifier and receivers?
Thank you kindly.
"A lot of people here and elsewhere have reported that digital transports often seem to make more of a difference than DACs."

In the words of the famous secret agent/audiophile Maxwell Smart:

" I find that hard to believe!"

Not that people report it, more so that it is in fact a true assertion.

I'm sure significant differences with sources to DAC are possible. So you never know. My experiences using various good quality (not necessarily expensive and in good working order)source devices with various DACs in recent years though are not consistent with that assertion though. FWIW. But hey, I am just one sample set. I'm sure it happens.
Preamps tend to screw up a system's sound more so than amps (unless you have a really cheap non-hifi amplifier).

You simply can not build a great sounding system without a really nice preamp.

If you are building a system from scratch and only have so much money to spend, I would recommend spending the money on the preamp and make a good selection for an inexpensive yet good, sound amplifier & small speakers. You'll be much more satisfied with the results.

Or, just buy a nice Integrated amp and your problem is solved : )
Yup. if I was starting over from scratch and had 5K to spend
my 1st purchase would be the best 3K integrated I could find.
Schubert, I have to agree with your general recommendation of an integrated solution. I started out with a Nakamichi Amplifier One which I loved. I owned that amp for 18 years before buying a Class Cap-2100 which was also fun. I now own a Vitus SIA-025 which is the best integrated amp i've owned & competes with high end seperates. I like the fact I was able to put the savings from 2 less high end cables & a set of iso feet into the rest of my system.
Audiophiles love to make things complicated.

Integrated gear does the opposite and the technology has improved immensely over the years.

Don't forget the DAC these days when integrating. if you are old fashioned you might even want a phono front end integrated in still as well.