Question concerning db sensitivity

Someone recently told me that in their experience, in general, that the higher the db sensitivity of a given speaker, the more you sacrifice in terms of sound. In other words, lower db rated speakers [ 86-88 ] typically sound better. Any thoughts on this?

sensitivity has nothing to do with quality. most loudspeakers are a collection of parts drivers, box,and crossovers. A bigger box usually better low freq extension; ported around 3 dbs more efficient so on and so on BUT sensitivity definatly has nothing to do with quality.

For some reason I would have thought this issue was less subjective than others

Everything in audio is highly subjective, which is why I took the time to qualify my reply with a description of a couple of the general measurable issues/compromises in the choice of high or low speaker effciency. Of course, there are many more issues which can lead to many exceptions but then this would no longer be a "generalization" if we were to plunge into great details.

If this information helps guide you to choose a speaker - Great!
A "generalization" like this, however, is absolutely no substute for auditioning and narrowing your choice to speakers that you personally like the sound of, which I suspect was really John and Tvad's point.
A "generalization" like this, however, is absolutely no substute for auditioning and narrowing your choice to speakers that you personally like the sound of, which I suspect was really John and Tvad's point.

Yes, now you have at least my POV nailed. Keep in mind, that I myself own speakers that are 89 db efficiency. However, I have heard many excellent higher efficient speaker designs as well.

Generally, there are no generalizations in the audio hobby. No one else can tell you what sounds good to you, you just have to listen for yourself......sorry.

Jmcgrogan2 wrote: "Generally, there are no generalizations in the audio hobby."

LOL! That's great! I presume you did that on purpose.

There's a great deal of truth in that statement. One can find exceptions to most of the generalizations (and if I'd have said "to all of the generalizations", I'd have been over-generalizing!).

It is the high efficiency speakers that are smooth that are the most exciting. It is the low efficiency speakers with great dynamics that are most exciting. It is the box speakers that sound boxless, the horn speakers that sound hornless, and the planar speakers that can do deep bass and don't beam that are the most exciting. Seek out the innovative exceptions - they're out there!

There is one small point that one can generalise on: the higher the sensitivity, the more uncompressed dynamic range you can have (note: you "CAN" have. You might not have in practise). How it sounds, is another matter.