Everything in audio is highly subjective, which is why I took the time to qualify my reply with a description of a couple of the general measurable issues/compromises in the choice of high or low speaker effciency. Of course, there are many more issues which can lead to many exceptions but then this would no longer be a "generalization" if we were to plunge into great details.
If this information helps guide you to choose a speaker - Great!
A "generalization" like this, however, is absolutely no substute for auditioning and narrowing your choice to speakers that you personally like the sound of, which I suspect was really John and Tvad's point.
For some reason I would have thought this issue was less subjective than others
Everything in audio is highly subjective, which is why I took the time to qualify my reply with a description of a couple of the general measurable issues/compromises in the choice of high or low speaker effciency. Of course, there are many more issues which can lead to many exceptions but then this would no longer be a "generalization" if we were to plunge into great details.
If this information helps guide you to choose a speaker - Great!
A "generalization" like this, however, is absolutely no substute for auditioning and narrowing your choice to speakers that you personally like the sound of, which I suspect was really John and Tvad's point.