REL or Martin Logan?

Just wondering if anybody has compared two.I would throw Vandersteen 2Wq into mix but they are single price point unlike ML and REL.Have heard very nice bass from Velodyne,Revel etc and know if you want to spend $3K you can get great bass that intgergrates with many speakers but have heard that those with fast very pitch accurate speaker that are fast like Magnepan,Martin Logan,Quad ESL's etc do better with multiple drivers creating depth of bass and air pushed because they themselves are faster (at their price points they exceed large 15-18" units).

I have horn speakers now but no matter what I have I am more into music than HT so would sacrifice some depth or slam for finese and easy integration.Also am intrigue by single driver TBI's but haven't heard them while I have heard REL Strata.The one execption I have thought to this out because of sophisticated software is new velodyne DD series but still think ML,REL, or even Vandersteen (which would be shy of depth I want) would be better design wis so wondeing if anybody has gone head to head REL/ML
definitely Rel.
the rel doesnt impose a sound of its own. it doesnt call attention. it integrates seamlessly with my main speakers.
i do agree the ML is more powerful but its presence makes it annoying at times because it simply wants to say "i'm here , I'm here."
Have you read about the new JL Audio Fathom. It seems to be getting outstanding reviews.
Thanks for detailed resposes.I think REL wins out here.Now need to hear them and if I can find Magellan by TBI Has one driver in unique short square (like little coffee table) and what makes sense is you can get them passive and hok both up to one amp/x-over unit at attractive price.Got great review at they were good enough to be used effectively with Vavantegarde Uno's in opne set up.Builder said it was better than Avant's own $4K system and way cheaper.Johnk appreciete offer about horn but thinking of getting out of horns beacuse even though I like my Odeon Tosca from Germany it is really not good with large scale dynamic muisc though plays jazz (my main use) very well.But would like speaker than can play larger scale,moredynamic/complex muisc as well.Unsure at this point about efficiency.Would love Avantegarde Uno's but cost and space isue.maybe the Silverline Sonatta with these new Redwine T 30 stereo or 70 mono amps instead of current tube set up.Not sure if I will need HT sub and if so velodyne DD would be choice mut if muisc cheap pick would be Vandersteen 2wq or REL maybe Strata.
05-14-07: Bundy
Have you read about the new JL Audio Fathom. It seems to be getting outstanding reviews.
Bundy (Threads | Answers

I have one at home on audition. I have a pair of the Intuitive Design Summits. In the past I have owned a REL Storm III, RBH, Triad, HSU, Klipsch, James and a few other subs.

The JL F113 is the first sub that seemlessly integrated with my main two speakers. The REL was good, but the JL is that much better, plus it's amazing for theater. This is the best sub that I have heard for two channel period. It picks up right where the Summits stop. Most of the time you can't even tell it's on...until the musical passages that go way low begin playing. Then, all of a sudden, I'm hearing things from the recording that I have never heard.

This is happening with no break up of the sound stage.

Actually, this is the first sub that I have ever heard, that makes me think..."Yes these speakers sound better with it on"

I was very skeptical of the reviews, but I'm a big fan of JL now.