First of all: OOPS!! I've been calling the pro speaker the, "801." Shoulda been, "802." To answer your #1) Sure- they've corrected the SPEAKER for freq response(in an anechoic chamber), and generated all that IM distortion in the process(very measurable fact). They DID NOT correct it for every room that it will be used in. Perhaps you're familiar with a book called, 'Elements of Acoutical Engineering' written by a Harry Olsen, and published by D. Van Nostrand(back in 1957)? On page 32 there is a diagram of the 7 reflections and/or image sources that always result from a speaker being placed near three non-parallel boundaries(a corner) in a rectangular room. I think you'll agree that describes most applications we are familiar with in stereo listening? I'm not going to fill this page with the entire treatise, but the results are always major notches in response. Time domain aberrations and a total lack of stable imaging as a result of those same boundary effects are covered in the early 70's Journal of Audio Engineering Society articles of Roy Allison/Bob Berkowitz and later by Glyn Adams' "Time Dependence of Loudspeaker Power Output in Small Rooms"(JAES 1989/Vol.37/No4). Every room (those that might be identical notwithstanding) the 901's are placed in will yield different results(certainly- all speakers will, but not nearly to the degree of the Bose where 88.9% of the output is directed at these boudaries). Let's remember that you have circumvented one major flaw by using the DEQ-2496 and(at least) equalized the system at your listening spot(don't know if you moved the mic around the room and averaged the response). Keep in mind that we are talking about sound waves that will be affected by whatever is behind/under/next to the 901, including whether the wall is plaster and lath or sheetrock, framed or concrete, windows/curtains near by, the distance from those boundaries, etc., and not blue and red arrows in a slick ad. I really feel like we have sufficiently beaten this dead horse. Like I've said before: If you like 'em, you can have 'em, and my share too!