The Johnny Smith performance was great. I listened to a few more of his. Misty was one. His playing was flawless to my ear. However, I have been trying to figure out why some music, even if the music is perfectly played, just seems to lack something. I think I know what it is now.
Dynamic Range and Tension. I hope these descriptive terms pass muster with the Frogtman and The learsfool.
I would try this Moonlight In Vermont: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ikl8pnHz6k
and you can also youtube Vermont by Billie Holiday. Her voice is almost gone, but not quite. It will grab you.
These youtube thingys are getting to be habit forming to me. The make it so easy to compare artists.
I listen to the Emily Remier cut, and then off to the side was a clip of Wes playing with Monk and Coltrane. Although I didn't see or hear Coltrane.
But the difference was striking. Of course not being able to match Wes and Monk is nothing to be ashamed of.
It is very sad that she died so soon. The girl on the B-3 is great also. I hope she is still with us. What a lot of these folks need is a cooking rythm section.
The Johnny Smith performance was great. I listened to a few more of his. Misty was one. His playing was flawless to my ear. However, I have been trying to figure out why some music, even if the music is perfectly played, just seems to lack something. I think I know what it is now.
Dynamic Range and Tension. I hope these descriptive terms pass muster with the Frogtman and The learsfool.
I would try this Moonlight In Vermont: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ikl8pnHz6k
and you can also youtube Vermont by Billie Holiday. Her voice is almost gone, but not quite. It will grab you.
These youtube thingys are getting to be habit forming to me. The make it so easy to compare artists.
I listen to the Emily Remier cut, and then off to the side was a clip of Wes playing with Monk and Coltrane. Although I didn't see or hear Coltrane.
But the difference was striking. Of course not being able to match Wes and Monk is nothing to be ashamed of.
It is very sad that she died so soon. The girl on the B-3 is great also. I hope she is still with us. What a lot of these folks need is a cooking rythm section.