Help with understanding Stereophile test results.

Hey all,
I ran the Sterophile test tones and just wanted to know if anyone can explain any potential issues based on my numbers, they are as follows:
1K 80 81
200H 68 80
160H 67 78
125H 74 79
100H 74 79
80H 70 74
63H 68 70
50H 67 70
40H 76 73
31.5H 75 76
25H 72 75
20H 65 67
Thanks for any help or insight you can give, Cheers
thanks guys for all thoughts, I never heard anything bad but I ran the test to learn more so just trying to make sense of it all....................much appreciated.
I hate to intrude on the question of this thread, but can anyone explain what the "compensation chart" is and what is the need/purpose of it for testing the frequency response. Maybe I should post this such questions as a new thread, but since I own a Radio Shack SPL meter (digital), I never really understood what people mean when they say it needs to be re-calibrated. I mean, isn't it just measuring sound pressure? Thanks to anyone who responds.
Chad -- what are you measuring FOR? If it's balance b/ween the spkrs, then you have an IMbalance in the mid-bass and lower between L-R. This is probably due to spkr positioning/room interaction.

I never really understood what people mean when they say it needs to be re-calibrated.
If you measure sound pressure against a "reference" -- say 1kHz -- you want the measuring device to equally sensitive at all other frequencies. If it's not, then you'll get a lower/higher reading at some frequencies even the the actual sound pressure level may be the same.... it;s just that the meter isn't reading correctly.
So, for the ratshack you get a chart which shows you how far off from reality the meter is at each frequency -- and you compensate to get the real -life reading.