Why are we so passive?

In high-end audio the passive speaker is the norm. Active speakers may not be rare, but are definitely uncommon. What's the buzz on active?

Is active just another marketing scheme?
Is there really any difference between active and passive?
Why don't more audiophiles go active?
Why don't more manufacturers produce active speakers?
At what price point, if any, would you consider going active?
Most audiophiles don't like active because it limits the variables they can fiddle with. While there are many successful active designs, there are many more passive simply because the market prefers them. Technical issues do favor the actives.

i agree with you kr4. audiophiles sometimes get bored with the sound of their stereo systems. replacing the amp and/or the speaker cable is an obvious way to change the sound.

further, active speakers are generally limited to "box" designs. i have never seen an active panel speaker.