Why are we so passive?

In high-end audio the passive speaker is the norm. Active speakers may not be rare, but are definitely uncommon. What's the buzz on active?

Is active just another marketing scheme?
Is there really any difference between active and passive?
Why don't more audiophiles go active?
Why don't more manufacturers produce active speakers?
At what price point, if any, would you consider going active?
thanks for clarification undertow. i apparently used the 'common generic' definition.. my bad. fwiw, cos. have been selling all in one designs for decades. technical issues aside, if there was a way to satisfy both a lover of chamber music and a heavy metal fan in one design it would have been achieved by now. i presume most a-goners have fairly well trained ears tuned to their musical preferences and living conditions etc. so i do not see a market selling packaged systems to this crowd. but as lush says: that's just my opinion, what do i know.
The current Meridian D series take digital input and divide/EQ before the power amps.

And if you use a ribbon or compresion driver with active you still need a passive after active to keep driver from damage when amps are turned on so active powered is not the end all be all.Many ways to design hiquality loudspeakers no one way:) And to me thats why its interesting if computers could design crossovers and loudspeakers as well as humans we wouldnt have a hobbie nothing to talk about except music but hey that might be a good thing;)
both a lover of chamber music and a heavy metal fan in one design it would have been achieved by now.

Good point. The desired tailored coloration of many audiophiles means that "foolproof" active speakers are unattractive in many cases.

However, funnily enough, Michael Bishop at Telarc (well respected classical audiophile recording label) and ACDC (no introduction necessary) both agree on the same active speakers. So it might be possible to make a design that satisfies both camps.
with enuf $$$ a single package ultimately may be produced to satisfy all. makes me think of the car homer invented in the simpsons. btw, in that episode did anyone notice the thiel like speakers in uncle herbs' mansion? danny devito did the voiceover...