Speakers under $750.00...Preposterous Notion?

Sometimes an audiophile lives on a $100.00 a week salary (theater wages). When you try to get a serious answer from those who know, they say, "save and get such and such..." Well, my wife disagrees, and for good reason. One must "settle" for products which can be realistically obtained. I think, though that there will be some of you out there who are interested in helping others get truly affordable high-quality gear.
My theory is this: take two hypothetical speaker companies. One starts its entry level model at $1k and proceeds to a flagship going for $50k or more. The other speaker company produces only speakers costing less than $3k. Wouldn't the latter company invest more of its energy into producing true quality at the lower prices (provided it is a relatively good company)?
I'm looking for high-sensitivity (90db or more), wide dynamic range (@35hz-20khz or better), and strong, clear bass. Is all of this too much to ask? Well, here's another request: it would be nice if they're floorstanders since my listening room is about 16'x26'x11'.
I found some speakers @$600.00 in a discount magazine, Athena Technologies Audition AS-F2.2, wonder if they're any good....(must rely on forums...no car to audition speakers in the city with...need water...help....please....)
Maybe you can consider selling your amp and using the money plus your budget and buying a used active speaker. You also save on speaker cable.
I am very happy with the BW DM602 s3 i bought used for $400. I'm using them with my PrimaLuna PL2 and it sounds great with tubes. I think it sounds very nice, no fatigue with a solid range of sound.
Quadruple the Vandersteen suggestion. I also heard a pair of Silverline speakers at the NY Stereo show, a smallish two-way foor stander, that sounded fantastic and listed for $600. Do not judge them by either their size or price, they were something special.
Sorry, I did not mean to say floor standing, it is a bookshelf monitor. You can read about it at http://www.silverlineaudio.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=91
It was very impressive with bass that kep me looking for a sub, others around me had a very similar reaction, wondering how that smallish speaker could sound so full.
Buy the Dahlquest 32i's that are for sale now on Agon for $750 obo or make an offer on the Alon Vs that are also for sale on Agon now. These will provide you with an open, dynamic sound that you would have to spend a ton more money on to get with other speakers.

Happy Listening.