What can I drive w/ the 8wpc Air Tight 300B amp?

The Air Tight ATM 300b is the best amp I have ever heard (notwithstanding the VAC 30/30 and 70/70) With 8 watts per channel and a medium sized (14 x 17) room- I don't even think I can drive Quad 2905s. Any recommendations??
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsamuelg
Thank you for your responses- I am looking into Coincident, Omega, Quad, Sonus Faber, and Piega. I tried Klipschs- loud but too much of a horn sound.
I negelected to add that I moved the entire system into a small 10 x 12 foot bedroom for the purpose of "helping" the amp. The Piegas 89db sound wonderful.
Had an Air Tight 300B for 4 years. Addictive sound, build quality, cache. Everything on that amp is metal except those stupid EU speaker connnectors.

Best speaker I had with the 300B was Merlin TSM-MXs although I'm not a fan of the Merlin "sound". The Air Tights, though, exude quality and class. Damn thing weighs 65lbs, too!! Some massive trannies.
MaxxHorn Immersion has an 100dB efficiency rating, and I used the 7Wpc Harmonix Reimyo PAT-777 to drive it to enormous volume. Bob Spence himself heard it and was amazed, as well as a number of visiting importers.

Constantine Soo
Publisher, Dagogo
Constantinesoo: Would you agree that my 220 watt tube monoblocks might be a bit of overkill?

Can you tell us more about what you heard? Are they worthy of a in-home audition?