Mobile Fidelity OML-1 - Any thoughts/opinions?

I'm looking for some new monitors and am considering the Mobile Fidelity OML-1. Anyone out there own them or perhaps have auditioned them lately?

Many thanks,


Here's a link to review that compared the OML-1 to VR-1.

I've never heard, the OML-1, but have heard the VR-1, which I liked. In reading the review, it appears that the reviewer liked the OML-1 better. If that's the case, the OML-1 should be a fine sounding speaker. Of course, your ears need to be final judge.
You must have missed his allusion to another speaker which wasn't mentioned by the thread initiator.
"You must have missed his allusion to another speaker which wasn't mentioned by the thread initiator."

Yeah, I did notice he mentioned the LSA monitors (which he sells), and their similarities with both OML-1 and the VR-1. But "so what", that's not a "sales pitch". And anyone with an IQ of 70 or so would know that. The fact that you would attack another Audiogoner's character and ethics over such a "trival" thing, speaks volumes of YOUR character, and just how "petty" you are to other people. Must be nice to be able to walk on water, You do walk on water, don't you? ;-)
No offense taken. I welcome the comparisons to other speakers. I am currently running a pair of Triangle Comete ESWs with my Eastern Electric M520 and the sound is a bit lean. I am looking for something smoother - especially in the midrange. Thus my interest in the OML-1s. Gentlemen, please I did not intend this thread to be contentious. Thank you Cleaneduphippy for attempting to get this thread back on track.


I didnt see a sales pitch either. A sales pitch is, and there on sale right now, I can ship some to you today, try my products product its better in the benifit or that benifit,etc. All I saw was a audiogon member making comparisons to speakers he's heard, which if he is a dealer will probably be what he sells. How does this differ from anyone? We recommend what weve heard. Of course he's going to bring up items he sells. I think its pretty rude to bring him down, even if he WAS making a sales pitch, isnt that his job? He WOULDNT BE MUCH OF A SALESMAN OR HAVE A BUISINESS IF HE DIDNT. Isnt it also good to give feedback and answer questions one might have and help guide someone to the right product. If he didnt believe in his products he would go out of buisiness.Anyway, I read this and wanted to comment. Feel free to go through all my posts and count the I, me, and mines. You must have alot of spare time.