Stolen SoundLabs - just in case...

Here's one for the "I hate it what that happens" file:

This morning my car, u-haul trailer, and a pair of SoundLab M-1PX loudspeakers were stolen from a hotel parking lot in Barstow, California. I'm hoping that they show up for sale somewhere (ah - the speakers, not the car & trailer - gotta keep my priorities straight here!). The serial number is M1PX002, the side rails are rosewood, and the backplates have the "hotrod" upgrade identifiable by the large blue Jensen capacitors. They have the shallower 45 degree panels characteristic of th PX series. There aren't very many M-1PX's in circulation.

If you happen to come across these speakers for sale somewhere, contact officer Dante' Caliboso of the Barstow Police Department, case number 07-4135 and 07-4136 (they list the automobile and trailer separately, and the backplates were in the car). Their phone number is 760-255-5111, and my cell phone is 504-251-2311.

Oh by the way, I also found out that U-Haul's "insurance" doesn't cover theft.


The thieves did not have the proper preamp and amps to do justice with the Sound Lab's, so they did the right thing and left them where they would be found.

Now I don't hate them so much.

I'm happy for you Duke, someone was looking out for you (other than your sweet wife :^).
Duke, sounds like they bit off more than they can chew. If the police are not to busy they could post a lookout. They will probably be back to work on it tonight.

Glad you got it back.
Maybe they didn't like the sound of stats. Look out for post saying as much and be very suspicious of the poster.

Anyway, we're all relieved. The good guys win again.
Congratulations, When the Gods smile on one, say thank you and remember to enjoy the Music
i'm glad to hear that they found the truck with the speakers inside

You deserve the good Karma