Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1


They just changed the Mini after wonderfull reviews : woofer not the same, filter probably too.
Price increase from 22 to 26K$.

Is the new Magico Mini 2 better than the first Magico Mini ?
What are the best amp match for those baby ?

Which speakers are direct competitors ?

Thank you for sharing your experiences
I'm waiting for the model 3, which, rumor out west has it, will change everything again, go to a bigger size, and cost 30K. I feel if they know what they're doing, you're better off waiting until they do it right and pay the most top dollar you can just to be sure.
If you are talking about the M3.5 you should check your sources again. According to Magico, the price on that speaker is going to be somewhere north of $50K. The Mini 2 stays the same. For more info on the Mini 2 you can go to

Lots of good information and first hand experience. I am still waiting for mine.