Lowther drivers, front horn or back loaded horn?


Normally Lowther advice to use their drivers in back loaded horns like the medallion but Oris and Azura front horns have also made themselves a respected name in lowther based designs. So, I would like to know what are the differences in soundstage, imaging, inmediacy, low level information reproduction, room interaction,,etc between these 2 options.

A lot of people talk about the magic of the lowthers to make music present in the room, as grab and touch and to recreate the ambience of the venues, so,
Which one of these aproachs if properly used will enhance the lowther experience?
Hi Jsadurni,

That Beyma looks very good, What exactly did you heard about the coaxial 4592 BMS?
I think that is the same that BD design use in his orphean.
If I use the 4592, I wont have to use a tweeter and i can keep the system two ways.
I mostly listen late at night, and I like to listen in moderate volume levels so I dont awake my family..do you think this kind of horn system bass reflex/compression driver can make it at low levels?

azuras have a slightly more open sound trebile is a wee better than oris.A oris produces deeper bass this can make for better integration with bass system.None of these horns ring azuras are thick fiberglass oris is make from the same plastic car bumpers are.Now keep in mind oris has a 150 200 250 horn azura also makes a few sizes this comparison is azura 204hz- to oris 150.
Th combination is a success, the Orphean horn from DB is doing according to Bert even better than the Oris, It seems to be a hard Xover to get right. Remember the horn only loads around 3 octaves.

Horns are great for low level listening, you get full sound at lower levels.
Hi Jsadurni

What do you mean when you said that horns only load around 3 octaves?
By the way,,
Did you compare the Great Plains 902 to the BMS 4592 compression driver?

Hi Alan,

I have moved my Oris's Into the corners now. The room Is 13'wide so they are about 10' (center of mid cone to mid cone) apart approx, the sound has had a big Improvement In every aspect. This Is where they are going to stay now. These Johnk built speakers have got to be the biggest bargain on planet hi-fi. I would not swap these for any of the speakers I heard at the Denver Show 2007.