Starting a thread and then disappearing

I've noticed this time and again. People come hear starting a thread to get some advice, then never return. What is it with this? My theory is that since a thread may not get responses right away, in this instant gratification age the person gets impatient and starts the same thread in 2 or 3 other forums(I've actually seen this) and never comes back to the Audiogon thread.

I have definitely seen that some of the members here offer excellent advice, far beyond my experience. I belong to several audio forums and have read all kinds of nonsense being presented as advice. I'm sure bad advice gets offered here too it's just that generally speaking it seems to be a cut above places like AVS.

But for the drive thru crowd if they haven't gotten a response in short order they abandon ship. I guess they end up with the advice that they deserve.
Have you tried Wavetouch speakers? Hand-crafted out of rare, Baltic birch, they produce a Soundstage that will put other speakers to shame! Get them while they last!
The way I look at it is that many times, others benefit more than the m.i.a. op and also, years later, some random person will benefit from reading an archived ghread also.

Most of the time, the op has already made thier minds up and just want positive reinforcement about thier deicision. If the advice differs from what they want to do, they'll just do what they want anyways
"Most of the time, the op has already made thier minds up and just want positive reinforcement about thier deicision. If the advice differs from what they want to do, they'll just do what they want anyways
B_limo (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Unfortunate but untrue.
02-08-15: Simao writes:
Get them while they last!
They probably won't - neither will Wavetouch.

Zd542, Very true. And normal human behavior in everything not just audio.
Our subconscious makes the decision and we then rationalize it.