Magico 3

Has anyone heard the Magico 3? How does it compare with the Magico Mini 2?
I listened to the V3 for about 45 minutes the other day. This was the same pair demonstrated at HE2007 but with an updated crossover.

The sound these speakers produce is very clean, detailed, and balanced. If you are looking for warmth or lushness from a speaker look elsewhere, but if you want a speaker that allows you to hear into the music without sounding forward or strident, then these are well worth checking out. They do not jump up and grab your attention from the first note, but rather let the music suck you in a way that reminds me of Dynaudio designs.
I wonder what constitute as “warmth or lushness from a speaker”. Both these words have a positive connotation to them but yet, I would not want them in my system unless they are embedded in the recording I am listening to. I have heard the V3, and my Mini 1 for that matter, sound both cold and warm, dry or lush, depending on set-up and source. I think you can make them what you like depending on how you run them. I do agree, to some they will not grab attention the way some, usually ported design with access energy in the 60-80Hz, loudspeakers do. To my ears, the transparency and linearity, of these speakers are intoxicating and unique. I have heard glimpse of it on the Mini 1. I believe that the V3 is taking this concept to a new level.
Mini 2 more open more detail warmer midrange also build quality much better!!V3 is also a world class speaker cant go wrong with either ONE!! That being said i think overall mini 2 more musical i love chamber must strings etc BOTH are worls class!!
I do not think that the built quality is any different. It is less elaborate, but just as exquisite as the Mini. I do agree, the Mini is more of a statement then the V3. You do give up on the fine and truly unique design of the Mini but the fullness of the V3 and, IMO, more transparent midrange, is something I cherish. I do listen to big orchestral work and I think that the V3 will do wonders. But, I do agree, you cannot go wrong either way.