Starting a thread and then disappearing

I've noticed this time and again. People come hear starting a thread to get some advice, then never return. What is it with this? My theory is that since a thread may not get responses right away, in this instant gratification age the person gets impatient and starts the same thread in 2 or 3 other forums(I've actually seen this) and never comes back to the Audiogon thread.

I have definitely seen that some of the members here offer excellent advice, far beyond my experience. I belong to several audio forums and have read all kinds of nonsense being presented as advice. I'm sure bad advice gets offered here too it's just that generally speaking it seems to be a cut above places like AVS.

But for the drive thru crowd if they haven't gotten a response in short order they abandon ship. I guess they end up with the advice that they deserve.
It has nothing to do with kudos, and "re-posting" is when someone double posts the same post. To continue a conversation is something different. Obviously etiquette is lost on you.

Often a question has many facets that need to be dealt with before hand. A dude wants to buy a new avr. What needs to be dealt with first is what speakers he's driving, what size room, what components he'll connect, what volume levels he's looking for. He posts asking about an avr and then never comes back to state room size or speakers, so never gets an answer at all.

Now that is what clutters up the forum, countless 3 and 4 post threads that go nowhere.
If our beloved Audiogon admin would actually update this "forum" interface to 2015 standards, this probably wouldn't be as much of a problem. I fail to see why we don't have threaded posts, the ability to post images and likes, the ability to quote from one or more preceding posts. You know - all that stuff that came about 15 years ago.
Runnin, what's the big deal? This is supposedly a forum to find information, is it not? Let me offer a common scenario: People are interested in perhaps buying a particular product and ask questions whether anybody has any opinions. Then they listen for responses (and may or may not offer a quick "thanks everyone I'll go check it out")and then who knows how long it will take until they actually listen to that item or make a purchase. By the time they get around to making the purchase, the original thread is old and long dead. The ship has sailed on the thread so why go back and resurrect it just to "report back?"

But something tells me some folks get on here not to find and offer useful information but rather to fill some kind of social need and make "friends" or bond with other audiophiles in some virtual way. Not everyone is interested in that in the least.
I totally agree with Runnin, all of those details need to be taken into account and even other questions as well such as what type of music is listened to and what accessories are used in order to give someone good product advice.

All too often many of those variables are left out of the equation by the OP and people just start of spouting different brands that the OP'er should consider buying.