ISO Information re: Alon Model IV MKII speakers

I recently purchased a pair of Alon Model IV mkII speakers at a very good price. However, I have not been able to find any reviews or information on them on the net or audiogon. Apparently the mkII was released in '98 or '99, not to be confused with the original Model IV which was released in '93. So, I put the question to you my fellow audiophiles: do you know anything about these speakers? The more information you can share the better. I'm extremely interested in hearing from other Alon Model IV mkII owners.
The Absolute Sound did a review of the speakers.

Here is the link to cut and paste

I own them. The Vs are better then the IVs which have a 12" woofer versus the 10". Tubes amps make them sing, you need at least 100 wpc. Bi-wire helps also.

The Alons come up for sale quite frequently and are a steal. Properly powered and set up, these speaker are amazing. Bill at Miller Sound in PA can tune the speakers for you for around $550 a pair and you'll never look back.

They are slightly warm from neutral but fast, open, dynamic with decent tuneful bass.

What other info do you need?

Happy Listening.
Thanks for the information Bigkidz but I'm looking for information on the Model "Four" mkII. Stereophile reviewed the original Model IV which was released in '93 but I have yet to see a review of the revised speaker which was released in '98. I'm looking to other Alon owners to determine the best way to match cables to these speakers as well as particular characteristics which could effect placement within the room. In general I like to know as much about any speaker that I own.