Ugliest Speakers???

I'm sure most of us would never select a speaker solely on appearance but after sonics it probably would be a criteria, as well as size, weight, color etc.
Looking through the November Stereophile I noticed a new speaker on page 21, the Loiminchay. I'm not sure I could live with this one. It may sound great, I don't know but the appearance of the speaker could never cut it for me, definitely not my style.
What's your take on this one? Any other candidates?
Ok, i will me some of the ugliest are:
Sonus Faber Stradivari
New 40th Anniversay BW (looks like a trashcan)
I was waiting for a thread like this.

Some trash cans are similar in look to Wilson sophias, W/P., genesis 5.1, B&W anniversaries.

My quads ESLs are like tombstones.

Dynaudio C2 & C4 double duties as traffic lights.

SMall Kharmas are like monkey coffins.
I nominate the Calix Signature Phoenix Grand:

I saw these in person at one of the Stereophile shows, and I think they actually look a lot more bizarre in person.
Hill Plasmatronics (late 1970's)
They looked like old ice boxes from the 1930's!
Still the best midrange and tweeter I've ever heard.