Front ported speakers recommendation

I am planning to get a pair of front ported speakers for my bedroom. I found most rear ported speakers need to be away from the rear walls, which won't fit my bedroom well.

My budget is $2K-$3K. What would you recommend?

I have a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagio for my main listening area. I like them a lot, but want to get something else for my bedroom. Thank you.
Hi Vett93:

I started with the sentence "$2-$3K for bedroom speakers is too much money to spend on bedroom speakers" and then I remembered this thread from 2 years ago.

We would need to know a bit more information about room size, room furnishings, listening position, listening preferences, other equipment, etc.


Hi,check out devore speakers.The Gibbon 7.1 and 8 are front ported.GOOD LUCK,KP