Also look into Quad 22L,Usher,Totem if you have decent power and want competion.These are all over achievers at price point.I have not heard popular Aperion line but getting good press.And the former owner of a company called Audio Alchemy came out with a $2K floorstander that is supposed to very good at $2K.Think also ahead f you are going to want 5.1 in same room and realize that matching center/rears of Gallo go for $1200 since they discontinued lower priced (lesser though) Gallo Due.Generally speaking you are going to get better sound with separates but used over 100 MINNIMUM with Gallos.They can suck it up.What will you be using for power?Using a underpowered sounding receiver will hold back some speakers more than others and this is the case with Gallo's.I have budget a champ that would just push these if not last forever and that is the HK 3480 rebuilt receiver you can get from Harman on Ebay.120 watts lot's of current.All for less than $200.But hey deserve at least 120 watts and better separates or amp in $1K list range.If you want HT Denon is best but really good can cost.Your digital and wiring can be improved down pike.If you play LP's I'd prioritize 1)speakers3)amp 4)cartridge,phono section,turntable and pre-amp at about equal 5) again wiring and digital down pike.Others disagree being "equal links in chain/garbage in garbage out but you have to pony up with some priorities.But being muiscian and non-m,uiscian does not factor in.Good sond and value are same for us all.Better is better.