Need speaker suggestions

I've just about finished my "game room". Ceiling and walls are drywall, floors are wall to wall carpet. I have a really old pair of Cizek speakers(circa 1975) in there for now and I'm using Zone 2(100w/ch I think) from my Yammy receiver to drive them. Other than the pool table there is no other furniture in there now and probably will only be bar stools(with the bar of course) as future furniture. Room is very bright, may add some acoustical treatment at some time....but with the given descriptions what speakers would go well with the "brightness" and the fact that it's Yammy's Zone 2 powering the speakers. I've heard Vandersteens and like them but will they mate well with the receiver's second zone output?
Looking for an very efficient 90Db+ speaker as Chadnliz suggests sounds like a prudent approach in this case.
You can pick up a used pair of VonSchweikert VR-2's for about $1600... easy to drive & well built.
A small detail I ommitted...due to a lack of of foresight any speakers I put into this room will be very close to the room corners. So I guess I'm looking for any additional suggestions to highly efficient speakers with good low end sound and able to be placed in room corners. Also, any suggestions on acoustical treatments that are high on the wife acceptance factor?
Maybe a pair of refurbished and upgraded Ohm L's? The efficiency rating on these is 89Db. They work well with low power electronics. They are front ported easy to place, and work well near walls and corners.

Also not expensive. You might pick up a refurbished pair with the latest enhancements (new bass driver and sub bass activation circuit) and a satisfaction guarantee from Ohm for <$500, which is their original sell price back in the late 70's.

I recently upgraded my pair from 1978 and use them to very good effect in my completely unfinished basement rec room.