Modern "vintage style" monitors out there?

Everytime I hear some big fat 70's vintage monitors with these huge woofers and their lovely full bodied sound I keep wondering - why don't they produce speakers like that anymore? Or do they? I'm not talking about floorstanders - I'm talking 60 santimeter high monitors (size like Tannoy Red Monitors)...:confused: :help:
A number fo the British makers still do these - check Spendor (SP100, SP1/2, SP2/3)as well as Harbeth (Super HL5, Monitor 40). Usher audio also seem to do a couple of well priced variations of the same theme(V-9845 and V-9803). I know what you mean as I have the Rogers Studio 1A's in a second system and love the meaty, full bodied sound they deliver.