Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8

Anyone done a comparison?
Well, if that is the case, why are you constantly bringing them up?

You were the one who brought them up in this thread, not me.

After the hole you have dug for yourself, what are the chances you will admit to anything positive about them. I guess there will be no V3 for Jkalman. Ok, we got it. No can you please move on…

Dhaan, they look cool, I'll give them that... :D

All the Magicos look very pretty. Like I mentioned before, I probably wouldn't mind them with a bit of EQing. The only issue would be the areas where there are -4dB depressions in the frequency response. It is very easy to cut excessive gain in the response, but it can be dangerous to raise a null in the response, especially at higher frequencies where any EQing can have a negative effect on the sound. If a null in the room corresponds to a null in the speaker's response, then you have even more serious issues.

I also admire the use of nano materials in their speakers. I'm actually involved in a venture capital investment with a "nano scale" technology company, so I am well aware of the excellent properties carbon nano tubes have to offer every industry. I respect it when a company uses new technologies, even if it is cost prohibitive.

I haven't dug any hole for myself. I've stuck to the arguments and in some cases used your own arguments against you to demonstrate that "what is good for the goose, is good for the gander." When your arguments failed you, you resorted to attacking me personally... BTW, I eat my steak medium rare and I don't use ketchup on my steak (my family were original investors in and actually own a large share of some world famous steakhouses in NYC... Smith and Wollensky and Ben Bensons).

My issues with the Magico sound are limited to the V3, Mini I and Mini II in an unequalized state. I have no experience with their other speakers or with equalizing the Magico speakers I mentioned.
BTW, in the previous post I was referring to the V3, since that is what we have been arguing about. My only mention of Magico speakers previous to you bringing up the V3s a couple of times, was to mention that I would like to hear the Minis and the Salon2s in a "properly treated" environment. Though I guess that shouldn't be necessary seeing as JV, whose TAS review raved about the Mini speakers, doesn't seem to use any room treatments except those Shakti Hallographs...

Here is the exact post where I mention the Minis, then some of your posts following that one start mentioning the V3:

I'm still trying to find an environment where the Magico Minis have been set up well in my area. The Salon2 and the Magico Mini... Two speakers I would love to hear properly.

I have nothing personal against your speaker of choice (I noticed yesterday that you own a pair of V3s, because you mentioned it in another thread). I do consider your behavior towards me reprehensible though...
Reprehensible ?? Please… Anyway, thank you for throwing me a bone (Magicos look good...). I feel so much better now. So, can we please move on?
Right on if you are referring to Robert Harley and The Absolute Sound.
I believe they are becoming irrelevant when they don't even consider measurements of value in todays climate of genuinely significant technological improvements-on all fronts in the loudspeaker field.
These armchair reviewers delighting in the discussion of a "darker" or "more syrupy" sound are reading too many coffee, wine and cigar ads, and perhaps should be reviewing the same.
Kudos to Kevin Volks, Keith Johnson and others like them contributing so much to not only significantly enhanced music reproduction but also our understanding of the technical requirements for such advances to occur.
Wow, reading up a bit (above) this is certainly not a glowing recommendation for the Rives designed rooms. Two expensively designed, almost cost no object rooms, both with bass problems? I would have suspected that paying the big bucks for a professional designer geared toward audio performance would prevent such an occurance. After these issues were found, how did the design company respond and address the issues? Any warning in advance that these issues would be present upon completion of the rooms?