Speakers with high WAF?

Friends, I have moved all my gear out of our family room and resituated it in my photostudio - all with my wife's unstated blessing. She hated the looks of those Newform Research 645's - mid/bass drivers in a rectangular black box, with a ribbon pole shooting out of the top to about 6'. But they sound so nice...So I am looking for a pair of replacements that may be a bit less "form following function." Showed her a pair of Adagios in the beautiful burl walnut - "but they don't look like furniture...." Thinking that a pair of Klipschorns tucked in the corners of our large family would be a bit more innocuous, she asked "Isn't there something that could be hung on the wall/" Guess that nixes the Klips. So I'd appreciate any of you guys who were ultimately able to satisfy your sonic needs and your wife's esthetic sensibilities. And ladies, your imput would be particularly appreciated.
Elac actually has some picture speakers that sound surprisingly good. Ridiculously expensive for what they are.
My goodness - what great suggestions and experiences. Seems to me that the R&D of some savy speaker comapny would conduct focus groups with women and use their feedback to style their boxes. They could then market to us guys with the WAF Seal of Approval.
Some of you guys are cold - imagine bringing home the baddest, ugliest boxes and then offering her what's behind door number three. Love it. Except, if I do that, she would be well within her rights to bring more white wicker into our home. Any guy here feel that they are living with too little white whicker? Any speakers out there done up in wicker - that might do it.
Those italian speakers are beautiful, and the Parsifals and Vienna Mahlers - those are striking. Used Mahlers are within my budget. I looked at the Druids a few weeks ago - great retro design that might do it. Showed her a pair of in the red - "Well they do match the couch...."
Know what you mean about the wires. A MAJOR issue, especially with those big honking Nordost biwires that feed the Newforms - but just got a set of Anticables that I think will pass the test. The speaker wires are a single stand of red coated wire with a diameter a bit greater than coat hanger wire, and the IC'c are equally unobtrusive. They sound wonderful and are cheap in the extreme ($10 per foot for speaker - and $200 for fully balanced 1m XLR interconnects).
You guys are all gentlemen - not one suggestion that this is a non-issue. Appreciate all the recommendations.
Thanks, David
SP Tech Minis, see my thread >> " We have a Winner" my wife loves their look beautiful finish and look
if you are looking for decor, the tympany 1d or tympany 4 or 4a, 3 panel speaker in a large room is very attractive.

a large sound lab doesn't look bad either.