subs and small room

I am thinking of using a subwoofer for a small room. But won't the deep notes excite room nodes?
11 x 22--ouch. This is as bad as my office, which is 10 x 20. However, it works good for testing worst case scenarios. You will need something with a parametric and depending on the crossover point 2 subs can make a significant difference for both the peaks and nulls in your case.
Why I like a bass horn with its one massive null. Easy to work arround this sit 8-10ft from bass horn;) But dukes got a point.Under his hat;) And is right about the swarm of subs...
I suggest bass traps at the very least. You'll never achieve acceptable response without room treatment. As Rives said, a parametric EQ is also recommended but I would start with good quality bass traps, at least in the 4 corners of the room, add more later for even better results.

If things are getting too exciting, try a few Vallium. that should work.

Add in a few more and setup will get pretty interesting too.