cable lifters, how to maximize benefit?

I am making cable lifters for both my father and myself, and am curious with it being winter how quickly the Static and negative effects of carpet disapear? Also when I insert them will a ZeroStat Zap treatment help, should they be disconnected and placed away from carpet for any length of time? Thanks
I'd like to hear from someone who is using cable lifters and heard a difference.. I don't use them but would be interested if they really work. I have a Zerostat from 20+ years ago, never tried it on cables.
I have no doubt of the benefit, too many I trust, including my Audio "Mentor" and others I trust (dealers and enthusiasts both use and champion the benefits), I simply want to know if my ideas are infact beneficial to maximize performance.
Make a bunch yourself for about $3 and try them. You won't go back! (Take heavy craft paper, cut into strips 3x10", use tape to create cylinders, fill 7/8 full with kitty litter or sand in baggy, place every couple of feet) Effect will be immediate, may even get better with a little time! If your system is revealing, it will only get better. This design is superior to hard objects as it also dampens airborne vibration, and resonance.