Please recommend amp or integrated for Polk LSI 15

Downsizing my entire system and picked up a BN
pair of Polk LSI 15's locally to hold me over for awhile
and am pretty shocked & pleased at how musical they are!
My delima is that while I now have the perfect
amp & pre amp (Wyred4sound & PS Audio)I am selling
them as well as part of the downsize.
So, knowing they love power, does anyone have experience
with a good matching amp or integrated? (preferred)
Would like to keep it under or around ~$1k plus or minus.
I owned the LSi-15s about two years ago and agree they are very nice sounding speakers. Much more refined than I expected. During the time I owned them I used two different integrated amps, a Portal Panache, and a Classe CAP-151.
Even though the Portal was only 100 watts versus the Classe's 150 watts, I much preferred the sound with the Portal. The Portal Panache is a very natural and robust sounding amp which was a good match with the Polks. Good luck with your search.
Try NAD C372. Good sound, low price, lots of head room. Abbreviated review here:

Interested to hear about Polk LSi's.
Thanks for the posts guy's! Owned the Portal and really
liked it a lot. If it only had a remote! I have to
have a remote.
Read a lot about the NAD C372, and owned a lot on NAD
in the past and think it's realy great gear. I am looking
in maybe a Krell or MF integrated!? Any thoughts? I am
amazed with the imaging of these speakers and want a
good enough amp to retain that.
Might just have to keep what I have if all else fails.

Any other suggestions?

Can stretch budget to maybe $1300-$1400
Having no remote was what made me sell the Portal also. Thought I was upgrading with the Classe but was mistaken so I sold it and bought a NAD C-352 as an interim. In all honesty I preferred the warmth of the NAD to the dry lifeless Classe. My search ended with the Bel Canto evo2i integrated. You might look into it for the Polks. I considered the Krell but what I liked about the Bel Canto is the cool running aspect. Oh yeah, it sounds wonderful also. The only amp I'd consider leaving it for now is the newer Bel Canto integrated. Good luck whichever way you go.