Please recommend amp or integrated for Polk LSI 15

Downsizing my entire system and picked up a BN
pair of Polk LSI 15's locally to hold me over for awhile
and am pretty shocked & pleased at how musical they are!
My delima is that while I now have the perfect
amp & pre amp (Wyred4sound & PS Audio)I am selling
them as well as part of the downsize.
So, knowing they love power, does anyone have experience
with a good matching amp or integrated? (preferred)
Would like to keep it under or around ~$1k plus or minus.
Having no remote was what made me sell the Portal also. Thought I was upgrading with the Classe but was mistaken so I sold it and bought a NAD C-352 as an interim. In all honesty I preferred the warmth of the NAD to the dry lifeless Classe. My search ended with the Bel Canto evo2i integrated. You might look into it for the Polks. I considered the Krell but what I liked about the Bel Canto is the cool running aspect. Oh yeah, it sounds wonderful also. The only amp I'd consider leaving it for now is the newer Bel Canto integrated. Good luck whichever way you go.
I have no experience with Krell equipment, but really like the Musical Fidelity A3.5 and A5 integrated amplifiers. Have listened to them critically with Totem, B&W and Revel speakers and felt they did a superb job controlling each and highlighting their strengths. At low to moderate volumes I have a hard time telling much difference between the two amps. The LSi's look like they might be a handful to drive, but unless you want to run them to near concert volumes in a large room, the 150W A3.5 should have enough umph to do the trick. Saw an A3.5 on Agon recently for $1100. I think it would be difficult to find a good A5 for that kind of money or even a few hundred more. The A3.5 is physically smaller, so that fits your "downsizing" approach.
Thanks again for the replies, but it looks like I
am going to keep my Wyred amp & PS pre for the LSI's
as it is magical. I'll try to cut some corners
somewhere else.

Thanks again!
Hello Friend,

I'm currently running LSi series (9's and 15's), and I discovered they LOVE Yamaha equipment! ! ! Initially I was dissapointed, because my heart believes my Parasound can make 'everything' sound great, but isn't the case with the LSi's. I've several comments about the LSi series being "too laid back." Perhaps, that's why the seem livelier with Yamaha equipment (historically, Yamaha's are very 'forward' (emphasize Highs and Mids). Add that to Polks and . . . . . more livelier/balanced LSi speakers. This is the 'kicker.' I am currently running a Yamaha RX-Z1 (reciever/integrated amp). That worked great, BUT . . . honestly, it's a gloriified pre-amp with my old&faithful M-80 (Vintage Yamaha am - originally was a C-80 pre-amp/M-80 amp combination). As I said, I was using my Parasound initially, but . . . .like Krell, the low-end was emphasized more. A very long-winded way of saying/recommending finding a higher-end Yamaha power source (hint: the M-80 is 250wpc, and wasn't a 'slouch' by any means, back-in-it's-day) AND it still sounds great (If interested - there is more to the M-80. I tweaked on it, changed the connecting post, etc)
Thanks Kirklin! Cannot find one at moment. I ended up selling
my amp afterall, and am looking hard & heavy now. I am
considering one of the Xindak or monster Jungson integrated
amps.( Jungson DA200 or CA 280) Anyone heard one of those??