Is there such a speaker...(loud but smooth)?

Hi all!

I am wondering...Is there a speaker that will get quite loud (almost concert level volume) but still have soft smooth highs at higher volumes than most home audio speakers?

I ask because I am looking for some speakers that will kick butt. I want to feel the music but I do not want to have ice picks driven through my ears.

Hi JohnK!

No, I did not say I am going with bookshelf speakers. I will go in to listen to them though. I cannot imagine that speakers that small would get as much volume as I would prefer to have.

I have played in a rock band back in the mid 1970s. We used to come on stage with three Marshall stacks for the guitars and bass. That was in the days before master volume controls on the amplifiers. We played loud! We also had some of that running into our PA system. It just fascinates me to no end that those professional PA systems can move so much air that everything vibrates. Do not get me wrong; I do not listen to music like that all the time as my old ears cannot handle it. Once in a while I like to crank it up and rock out though. It reminds me of the good old days.

Hey Jalanc42069!

I have contacted Emerald Physics and will be speaking with them some more.


At this point I have not looked into most of the other speaker manufacturers you have mentioned but I will be doing so in the next few days. ATC sounds interesting.

Horns tend to be too bright for me in stereo speakers. I have heard some of the new Klipsch speakers and are not impressed by them at all.

There are horns and there are johnk's horns. His horns are not bright at all, they are extremely musical though.