Recommendations for best most efficient speakers

Perhaps it is a misnomer, but tubes require very efficient speakers. Since I love tube integrateds, I am looking for recommendations on the best, most efficient hi-fi speakers available for someone on a mid-fi budget. I am looking for sensitivity ratings >= 94DB. I have found a few, but they are cost prohibitive.

Thanks in advance for you help..
Unless you define what "cost prohibitive" means to you it is unlikely you will get a good answer. I was going to recommend Avantgarde Trios with multiple Basshorns but they are prohibitive at over $100,000 so I recommend the much more reasonbale Duo Omegas which are closer to $25,000.
Zhorn, Omega, Fritz, kcsloudspeakers, a small sample of loudspeaker manufacters offering sub $1000 med eff [arround 94db 1 watt 8ohms]loudspeaker systems.
tekton, hornshop got to be more, anyone else care to add to a under $1000 pair list?
Used Klipsch speakers represent the best value for the money. I would recommend either Forte II ($400-$500) or Cornwalls ($800-$1200). Both are very effecient and can easily be run with tubes. They also sound excellent.