SET friendly speakers w/ slam?

i do love the wilson punch & dynamics and find them execptional at reproducing a drum kit, but their impedance curve is not necessarily SET-friendly.

any suggestions for a speaker that has higher sensitivity, higher impedance that can kick your face in w/ rock & roll? i'm not talking volume, i'm talking impact. music is visceral when its live, and thats what i'm looking for.

I use Cary 805C with a pair of watt/puppy 7's. People who I have talked too who actually use watt/puppies with low powered tube amps use the amps 8 ohm tap. For some reason this creates a magical combination. I know this is contrary to what the experts say (including stereophile) but you have to trust your ears.
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Seems to me to get slam, you need some powered subwoofers (either separate or built-in as offered in the speakers mentioned above).

Hmmm, I wouldn't associate subwoofers with "slam" necessarily. Visceral, absolutely yes! But I'd put "slam" into a region just above where subs do their deep, dark, rumble'yer'roots thing. I'd associate it more with detailed tight, fast bass that's moving lots of air fast. Subs are more about the bass you feel in your bones and in your guts. Maybe its a matter of semantics and my (mis)understanding the terms. Regardless, I'd check out Coincident's offerings as well. Silverline's full-range offerings hover around 92 db so are just at the low end of set-friendly, and they're superb speakers IMO.

I know I would love to hear the Emerald physics speaker. 100dB efficient. 2 15" bass drivers. They have to have some slam.