Best Small budget speakers for girlfriend

I would like to see my girlfriend enjoy her music through a good sounding system.
Any suggestions on what small inexpensive speakers she can afford(just kidding I am paying for them).
The smaller the better, she has a tiny living room.
Will be using an oppo dvd cd player.
Get a kit from Madisound or Zalytron. If you are even remotely good w/ a soldering iron, you can assemble a kit (w/ pre-built cabinets, of course) in one evening. Your money goes so much further with kits that it can't be overstated.

If you're not into kits, the smaller B&W speakers are great.

But in the end, Jaybo is right....
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Buy a iPod and link it to:

Blue Sky Audio EXO ($200 to 300)
Audioengines 2 or 5.0s
B & W Zeppelin ($700)
Logitech Pure Audio ($100)

All have the female design WOW factor (fewest buttons) and sound incredible (favor all genres).

You owe my a drink.
You have to listen to the Usher S520 before you make your decision. Can't be beat for 400 new and about 300 here. Comes in different colors as well.

Good luck,