Totem Mani-2 and Adcom 555/2

Anyone have any experience with this combo? Thoughts, impressions?
I have owned the Adcom 565 monoblock amps and also, many, many years ago had a pair of Mani speakers in my system for about one month, but not both at the same time.

I can tell you that the Mani speakers are some of my favorite all time speakers! For their size, they are absolutely incredible. I also owned the Wilson Audio Witts (slightly larger than the Mani speakers), but other than a smoother tweeter, they did not have anything else on the Totems.

Personally, I find the Totem tweeters can become bright if the wrong upstream equipment is used. A more recent case was last year I had a pair of Forrest and a pair of Arro (2 different rooms). Both speakers were way, way, way too bright listening to Nora Jones via a B&K 507 S2 Receiver (which I put in about the same category as the Adcom on the general ladder). When I ran my pre-out to either a Pass Labs amp or a Mark Levinson amp, this glare disappeared and I could once again listen to Nora Jones. When I replaced the B&K, the sound improved dramatically even more.

Because it has been so many years since I owned Adcom, I cannot comment on whether this would be the case. I can tell you that if you are considering buying the Mani speakers (even the earliest versions) that they are truly wonderful speakers and if you are getting them at a good price, absolutely can recommend going for it - even if you find you need to replace this amp. The speakers do like a fair amount of power and the quality and amount of power is going to mean you are likely to spend $1,500 +/- on a decent used amp for them (not great, but decent).

That double woofer design requires the power.
I just got the Mani-2 and for a bargain price. My current (high current?) amp is the Adcom 545. Naturally the next upgrade is the amp. And naturally again, a high performance bargain is a good thing.
Someone PMed me suggesting the amp should cost the same as the speakers. I don't see how that would make them a good match.
Personally, I don't feel a component sounds good just because I paid a lot. A component also doesn't sound bad just because it's a bargain. "You get what you pay for" is rarely true.
So, I'm looking for a high current (not necessarily high wattage), overachieving, clean sounding amp that is a BARGAIN.
I'm not interested in status or snob appeal. Naturally, (living in Co., I'm into nature), the Adcom 555/2 is on the list. So is the C-J MF2500, Musical Fidelity M250 monos that are advertised today and a few others.
Please keep the thoughts and suggestions coming.
imo, your adcom amp does not do justice to your mani's. i use all classe gear with my mani's. i use the ca-200 amp. my plan is to purchase another ca-200 and run them in mono mode (700 watts each). the 200's have enough power and i love the sound of the classe amps. i took my mani's to my local mcintosh dealer and hooked them up to the 1000 watt mono's. the mani's came to life. i can live happily using 200 watts, but i know they can use quite a bit more to drive that double woofer.